Salaam and hi all! I'm so busy like a bee, I'm a busy bee right now. I enjoy studying more and more rather than working, seriously. But, that's life. Have to face it anyway. Guyss, I miss you lots! Thanks for those who tagged, it shows that you remember me. Really appreciate that :)
adilla: welcome to my blog
shahid: slmt megutilise peluang di sana, pastinya di sini lebih mencabar, pray for me ya. miss you...
fazz: where r u? if ur there, i know... doa byk2 ya, moga tabah.
hainey: yess, we have to meet up again, soon maybe? but, i'm still stuck here anyway.
aliahnasreen: my dearrr, i'm so excited seeing u here, glad knowing ur back for summer hol. i will call u soon insyaAllah. miss u loads girl!
honeyjoe: now im updating it :) howwa u kid? pls take care ok.
I'm planning to go back to kl some time in July. But, just for a weekend.
Maybe, I have to plan a one day schedule to meet as many people as possible on one day.
Take care everyone :)