Friday, April 16, 2004

Autumn Gathering, Midginbill Hill

starting from Monday, 12th April till wednesday afternoon, i've had a camping with 25 other peserta yang melalui hari hari yg penuh ilmu, cabaran and fun dan it was ended up with satu pengalaman, satu memori, satu kenangan, satu tanda persahabatan, satu bukti ukhuwah sejati.. jika ingin disampaikan melalui perkataan, 18 hari pon tak cukup i think. it was a 3-days camping packed with activities that were really organized, meaningful, well-structured. i am so proud of all ahli ahli biro program that has been asked to plan the schedule and they did reallly well. i want to take this special moment to congratulate semua yg terlibat, kak su and syahrom, ketua ketua biro dan ahli2 esp biro program yg worked very hard, struggled to make sure things get done well (its great guys), biro makanan - (makcik2 dining hall), biro logistik (Sorry, aku ditarik oleh huda). its the first program organised by brissies and alhamdulillah kita berjaya. pape pon, theres still rooms for improvement ayy.

conclusion: aku taktau camna nak cite panjang panjang, but i really enjoyed and make the most of it. not only having fun, but learnt something important and significant in our lives. finally, highway is the best!!!!

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