Thursday, June 10, 2004

entry to whom i called a friend: i wish i could be there for u too. but why can't i? why has everything changed? what's changed? time? environment? urself? or myself? why am i feeling 'unstable' if i keep thinking bout our past times compared to now? why is it distracting me? why am i always feel this kinda feelings if it takes friendship into account? why must it hurts me at this time? the time when i actually need to focus on my studies? why? why am i lefted behind? or have u dumped me away out of your life? today is the most hurtful day when i realized something u did. but remember you, for whatever it is, you are still my friend, if not sahabat. i will still care and be there for you, i hope.

this entry is such an emotional one. please forgive me for any inconvenience. fazz, ada gaya leh jadi penulis tak? :P

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