----->main course part three<-----
9th July - 11th July 2004
arrived Darul Uloom Mosque, Brisbane disambut oleh tuan rumah, leen dan makan malam prepared by beberapa brissies yang tinggal. may Allah reward all of you.. everyone was exhausted plus we were running out of space for everyone to sleep. brought a couple of people back to Cromwell College hoping that everyone was comfortable. the next morning, we had a ceramah menyentuh tentang golongan pemuda dan peranan mereka. and here the brisbane tour started. of course kami lah tourist guide nya. we were seriously mean coz dera all of them to walk from Roma St Parkland to South Bank just to get a free parking. sorry yah ;). well, brisbane is a small city though. it only took few hours to hang around the city. then, we straight away led them to U.Q to have lunch at the great court. as usual, we can only planned. unluckily, its raining quite heavily. so, musolla was the next best alternative. kami sempat tour around the uni dengan van walaupun hujan.. the plans went quite well when we decided to bring them up to Mount Coo-tha for Subuh prayer the next morning. hoping that everyone got up early to catch the sunrise as well. alhamdulillah, we succeed. at the same time, i realized that the time was running out coz they gonna leave already. rabbit, denise and me decided to follow them to Surfers Paradise, Gold Coast to spend the rest of the time left with all of them. and finally, we parted....
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