Thursday, August 12, 2004

happy holiday, happy birthday

its a public holiday semalam for those who are in Queensland, and fazz n me telah berjaya melarikan mynn from preparation of her suprised birthday party been prepared by girls at Cromwell College. we've been to EKKA (exhibitions, showbags, rides) for our second time. first time was during foundation year in 2002. its more likely the same with a slight difference but this time i managed to see 'bafabifi'. eeewwwww.... and caught a ride yg quite giler sampai tinggalkan kesan lebam kat kaki ku sampai sekarang. adoooii.. me personally, had an achievement berjaya meninggalkan EKKA without having any show bags in hand.. =)

mynn's birthday party was successfully done! mas, rabbit and leen cooked most of the food and everything was nice.. what suprised me was most of them who have been invited showed themselves up last night. the fact that its restricted to girls only, we had conquered the common room. girls rock!!!! muahaha. two thumbs up to everyone especially Mastura as the organizer. hehe.

happy 20th birthday mynn dear, may all wishes come true. Allah bless you!

occay, uni bermula balik esok.. selamat, selamat..

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