Saturday, September 18, 2004


aku rasa marah hari ni. kenapa kah? tak baik tau marah marah ni apatah lagi kalau dekat seseorang. kita kalau terasa marah, kena ikat dekat leher... supaya ia tak turun ke hati.. biasanya marah-marah ni penyebabnya adalah hasutan syaitan.. ish, go away. occay, jangan marah-marah k? suddenly i thought of something. lately ni, im feeling so different. some feelings that you really can't share with others. am i going to..... die? hanya Allah yang tahu.. i don't know if someone else noticed this or not, but denise, you know what my feeling was that nite rite? thats why i always need people to be around me lately.. but maybe it is caused by restless or not enough rest. bkn rest secara zahirnya, tapi secara mentalnya. im thinking too much maybe.. ermmmm..

take care, salwa.

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