Sunday, October 17, 2004


i suddenly thought that people are so complicated. even you actually have known someone for ages, but that doesn't guarantee that u really really know him/her. at some stages, you'll say, "i just know you today eventhough we've been friends for few years". well, everyone has their own specialities. everyone has different capability, strengths and weaknesses.subhanallah, human is the greatest creation. we should be thankful enough of who we are.. so, as a human, is it necessary to understand everyone in order to know them? even we know its a complicated task though. are we perfect enough to judge someone by not realizing we are actually the same? are we capable enough to treasure someone that deep? in the other way around, is it actually that hard to be in someone's shoes by tolerance and understanding?

this song comes to my mind in a sudden;

why you have to go and make things so complicated?
I see the way you're acting like you're somebody else gets me frustrated
Life's like this you..
and you fall and you crawl and you break
and you take what you get and you turn it into honesty
and promise me i'm never gonna find you fake it
no no no

kesimpulan: wahai salwa, sila bersabar.

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