Almost a week since I last updated my blog. Sorry to all readers for my 'missing in action' these days. Ramai juga orang bertanya ke mana saya, bukan setakat blog, malah telefon (call n sms) pon mendiamkan diri. Ermm, ni kalau nak update from the last time i blogged, memang banyak nak ckp. First few days at practical were quite tensed. That happened because i was too focused on that particular work. Dah la mengadap pc and database with numbers jer, mana lah tak pening. Then, terus jatuh sakit plus the fact that baru balik from travelling (tak sempat rest sgt). Well, it's part of life kan.
Last saturday, went to Seremban, N.S. Welcome to your home, Salwa... Tak susah nak carik lokasi, since i am quite familiar around Seremban tu.. maklumlah, dok situ 5 tahun.. hehe.. Alhamdulillah, berjumpa balik kawan2 lama dan baru. Satu pengalaman menarik... Overall, best! (nak tau apa yg best, call me.. hhehee)
Semalam, kerja seperti biasa.. Sepanjang kat situ, tak penah lagi lunch at KLCC itself. Selalu ikut my office mate (kwn practical baru) lunch at BSN. (murah giler compared with food court at Suria). But yesterday, we did have our lunch there for the first time. After office hours, met Azrin, one of my good friends from tkc as promised. Jumpa for 30 mins is not enough of course (byk menda nak cite). But, had to rush before traffic getting worse. What a small world, a friend of her is a friend from BBGS whom i recognised (a bit) and Denise's friend too. Happy!
Today, i have been given a major task to be completed. It's a proposal regarding depreciation on upgrading building to be sent to Retail Engineering Department as there's inconsistency within those departments. Quite a challenging task i reckon. Btw, for your info, i am now having my internship at Finance and Accounts Department, Petronas Dagangan Berhad, Level 31, Tower 1, Petronas Twin Towers.
Tadi, during lunch hour, Irna (a tkc friend too) made an appointment nak lunch with me but she was late. Sempat jumpa and borak pon jadik lah.. hehhe.. Hope to see you around next time k. While walking back upstairs to Tower 1, I realized that there are heaps of people dkt Suria KLCC tu. Cuti sekolah dah nak abis kot, pulun abih la depa. Since last week lagi (christmas) memang penuh sangat la manusia kat centre court tu. Kagum kot dengan pokok krismas besar kat tengah2 tu.
Sambutan krismas nampaknya macam diraikan besar-besaran oleh Muslim di Malaysia (lagi beria dari penganut mereka sendiri). Sekarang pulak, kita dikejutkan dengan tragedi Tsunami yang menyerang negara kita. Adakah ini satu amaran buat kita? Hanya Allah yang Maha Mengetahui.
As for today, more than 80,000 dead because of Tsunami tragedy. Kebanyakannya adalah saudara kita sendiri.. Al- Fatihah kepada mereka... Doa dipanjatkan untuk kesejahteraan semua umat Islam di dunia..