Friday, December 03, 2004

Salaam all,

I've decided to stay at home today. Well this morning, went to Maybank to change my ATM card and update my account (eyh, kate nak dok umah). Owh, I still have few bucks in that account eventhough its been inactive for quite a while. hehee. Best. Today, my mak's friends are coming over to our house for lunch. Kena la saya dok umah gak kan melayan tetamu. Semalam, ke UPM, Serdang melawat kawan-kawan skolah. Sampai jugak ke sana sejak tahun lepas plan. Everyone is changing. Become more mature and beautiful. Tapi, bila bukak je cite2 lama at college (school) dulu, perangai terus bertukar like 5 years behind. Lawak.. Kinda miss those moments.

As for today, saya berjaya habiskan membaca dua novel, its an achievement for me tu. Currently, reading another one. I guess, by the time cuti abis, i'll finish at least 10 of them. hehe.

That's all for now. Later.

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