what motivates u?
sudah lama rasanya saya tak menulis di sini.
been travelling lately, baru sahaja sampai dari Labuan semalam.
semalam, oleh kerana route flight tidak ada Labuan-Bintulu direct, dalam masa sehari, saya berada di 4 tempat berbeza.
Labuan-Kota Kinabalu-Miri-Bintulu
Tapi, syukur alhamdulillah, Allah Maha Mengatur.
di setiap tempat, ada sahaja sesuatu yang berlaku di mana segalanya membuatkan saya sgt2 bersyukur. peristiwa berhadapan dgn seseorang yg ku kenali dan berkeinginan utk mengislahkan diri, berjumpa pula dengan sahabat sefikrah, dan adik yang pernah dididik. adik itu telah membesar, lebih matang skrg :) dan setiap detik yang berlalu cukup bermakna buat diri ini. 1000x syukur.
berbalik kepada tajuk entry kali ini, teringat satu peristiwa lebih kurang sebulan yang lepas. Our division went for a team building activity which i actually was appointed to lead the whole program. one of the activities, were talking about what motivates us to work in MLNG. we splitted into groups, and my group managed to find 10 things that motivate them. ermm, the fact that i led the whole program, had influenced me to become reluctant to participate. haha. so, i become the scriber (or is it scribe? kalau k nora tgk word ni sure dia marah :)). While i was scribing, i was also thinking what actually motivates me to work all this while. to be honest, i could not find an answer to that question at that point of time, memang tak terfikir langsung, then i spoke to my team members that i could not find any. suddenly, one of the members said to me, 'aku tau apa yang motivate ko'. i was quite surprised actually, and definitely keen to know. i asked and the person said, 'agama kau, agama kau yang motivate kau utk bekerja'.
i was speechless, hadith niat came into mind.. and i ponder..
definitely! :) since then, i became more motivated to work.
how about you? what motivates you?
hello org mlng,
i hate to be a sriber.but.
nway,just passing by.been reading from blog to blog and landed on yours.
this post quite significant, also kinda wonder what might motivate me to work?defintely not "agama"..x phm hahah,what does it by agama can motivate us?
let me answer u mr helmi...islam motivates us to work since islam encourages its followers to search for rezeki yg halal & berkah...stress comes with work...with islam as the motivator, we can channel our work stress by saying our prayers seeking for His guidance...at the same time, with islam, we will have faith in whatever we are doing regardless of what the consequences might be...Qada' and Qadar has already been scribbled for each and every one of us...
aliza dearest, thank u so much for helping to reply. lama tak berkunjung ke blog ni. yes, thats exactly what i'd answer as well.
thank u for dropping by.
Allah and Rasululullah and as well as Islam will always be the best motivator for us. in anything we do, but of course, only apply to good deeds. :)
may Allah bless us always...
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