Friday, June 18, 2004

an equation di satu pagi

scarcity + opportunity cost + cost-benefit principle + low hanging fruit principle + elasticity + inferior goods - ( marginal cost + marginal benefit) + oligopoly + perfectly competitive + monopolistic + ( monopoly / price elasticity of demand) - ( positive externalities - negative externalities) + prisoner's dilemma + nash equilibrium + long run equilibrium + short run equilibrium + cartel - tit for tat - shut down + coase theorem - moral hazard - adverse selection = microeconomics = ECON 1010 = 56 mcqs = 2.30 ptg ni = bengong dah ni = too much info dlm otak = tepu = semoga dapat menjawab = amin.

Sunday, June 13, 2004

Countdown: 1 day to go!

Date: 15th June 2004
Time: 2.30 pm
Venue: U.Q Exhibition Hall
Event: Introduction to Management Final Exam
Things to bring: pencil, pen, eraser, student card, highlighter
Things had: facts, definitions (lotss!), diagrams, effort, doa, tawakal
Things required: doa from everyone

wish me luck..

Thursday, June 10, 2004

entry to whom i called a friend: i wish i could be there for u too. but why can't i? why has everything changed? what's changed? time? environment? urself? or myself? why am i feeling 'unstable' if i keep thinking bout our past times compared to now? why is it distracting me? why am i always feel this kinda feelings if it takes friendship into account? why must it hurts me at this time? the time when i actually need to focus on my studies? why? why am i lefted behind? or have u dumped me away out of your life? today is the most hurtful day when i realized something u did. but remember you, for whatever it is, you are still my friend, if not sahabat. i will still care and be there for you, i hope.

this entry is such an emotional one. please forgive me for any inconvenience. fazz, ada gaya leh jadi penulis tak? :P

Wednesday, June 09, 2004


this seems interesting. if u people miss reading malaysia's newspaper, please go to im not talking bout reading the normal online paper like so, feel free to click here and sign up. Its real man, as in u are reading the real suratkhabar. But, it might takes time to load. by the way, have a look.

Sunday, June 06, 2004

how great is The Creator

apakah cara untuk meningkatkan iman kita? salah satu nya ialah dengan berma'rifat (mengenali) kepada Allah. bagaimana nak berma'rifat kepada Allah? salah satu cara untuk kita berma'rifat kepada Allah ialah dengan bertafakur which means berfikir untuk sedarkan diri kita tentang keagungan Allah. eg: kejadian alam, kejadian manusia, bencana alam.

well, those pickies below are shown for us to think of Allah's greatness; hopefully..

a snap from quite a distance...

a bit nearer... wonder why are they look all white.

waahh, they're like ices with little red 'thing' inside...

what is it actually?

close up: its actually a frozen cherry tree!! looks yummiieeee!! tempting nyerr..


Tuesday, June 01, 2004

are u stressed?

yup, i think i am. here, i'd like to convey my deep appreciation for all me friends that have been around during my ups and downs these days. i love u all! occay, now let me talk bout stress a little bit. stress is just an avoidable part of life that comes to you daily (na:2004). one main thing thats directly related to stress is health. and its so crucial to have a look at our health. prevention is better than cure, ayy? who else will take care of it if not ourselves? are we still gonna depend on anyone else? eg: parents, family, boyfriend, girlfriend. heyy, we are 'old' enough to handle it by our own. these are few tips to manage stress concerning health.

physical health: by eating a proper diet (dengar tu.. =p), doing regular exercise and having regular health checkups. a body that is physically stressed because of sedentary living and poor eating habits is more likely to buckle under the additional weight of mental stress.

mental health: is bolstered by taking a few minutes a day for yourself to "recharge your batteries"; getting clear about your own goals and priorities in life; and becoming the best person you can be.

social health: is strengthened by building friendships, and strengthening relationships with parents, children and/or your intimate partner.

spiritual health is especially important in times of high stress. Prayer, meditation, worship, faith and commitment can strengthen you for tough times.

(tips taken from a website)

let's manage our stress together. the exam is just around the corner.