Get-together Lunch With Brissy Girls
We had joy,
We had fun,
We had seasons in the sun....
hehe... best kan haritu? I'm so glad that most of us turned up. I know Bahiah was upset kan sbb tak leh dtg.. sbb ramai ada.. hehe.. Ili and Denise was supposed to join too but ada hal lain.. Huda and Kimah sgt jauh... While Rabbit lagi jauhhhh... =(
We managed to bertanya kabar, exhchange cerita and update, gossips =) dan mkn! hehe.. Here i would like to thank Fazz for her completed assignment. Caya la Fazz!! leh buat lagi ni.. hehehee.. And thanks everyone for your presence especially Sarah and her sis yg turun jauh from Melaka.
Hope to see you guys tomorrow for Kak Yanti's wedding.