Monday, February 07, 2005

Panggilan Dari Jauh

Malam ini, aku tak bercadang pon nak online sebenarnya. But since I have to finish my assignment which due tomorrow, I have to get online tonight. While browsing for the materials i need, terasa plak tangan ni nak memblog kejap. hihihii. Semalam lebih kurang pukul 5 pagi, I received a call from someone. I was shocked after quite some time tak dapat call waktu pagi2 camtu (teringat dulu2). Nasib baik panggilan dari jauh, aku layan la... hehee.. thanks Al-Huda kerana berjaya mengejutkan aku pagi2. =p Really appreciate your call.. We managed to talk a lot jugak kan? Eventhough aku cam mamai2 skit.. hehe.. You are such a shuweettt and thoughtful friend for still remembering me here.. Malam ni kata nak call rumah? hehe, mengada-ngada lak aku. Missing you my friend.. :(

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