Thursday, May 12, 2005

Mode - Upset but full of wonders

I just don't understand. Was I being too harsh? Was I being too abrupt? Kenapa manusia ni enggak fair? When someone superior said something, everyone will just nod and accept exactly what he said. But, suddenly someone who was a less superior came out with a thought and unluckily, it opposed what superior said, that person will be dumped and hentam back. This situation seems to be so familiar. Not only in small2 things, but what had happened in the real big world too. Kita nak menegakkan kebenaran, tapi pihak berlawanan tidak dapat menerima, rasa tercabar, lalu terus menerus menghentam dan cuba mencari kesalahan. Apa kes?

Takda mood nak makan. Dah la hari ni sangat sejuk. :(

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