Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Hari Ini Lagi

Pagi ini, as usual.. Ikut mak ke Kajang hantar adik. Cam sama je dengan cite semalam. hehe. And it will be the same routine everyday though. Then, terus ke Hospital Ampang Puteri teman mak jumpa doctor. Esok perlu ke sana lagi. Teringat kalau dulu-dulu hospital la tempat yang paling digeruni utk dikunjungi. Takut nak jumpa org yg sakit2, sebab kesian dan takut.. Tapi, sekarang, Insya Allah kuat semangat skit. Lagipun, mungkin satu hari kita pon akan berada di sana kan.. terlantar.. Nauzubillah..

Dapat sms dari Mas tadi mengajak ke UKM. Tapi, masa dan keadaan tidak mengizinkan untuk pergi. Maybe next time insya Allah. Nak jugak ke sana melawat kawan-kawan. Apa lah kabar mereka sekarang.

Hah, sapa nak ikut saya terbang? Ke Alor Setar or Singapore (turun jb). Air Asia is offering RM 0.99 ticket excluding tax for penerbangan domestic to travel within January 2005. I've checked for the availability and so far ada lagi. Siapa cepat, dia dapat. Actually, ayah suruh balik kampung jumpa Tok, so thought of balik weekend since tiket mmg murah. Memula terfikir nak balik on December, christmas time ke, so alang-alang, boleh pegi walimah seorang teman kat Kedah tu.. but, sold out and mahai skit. Im still thinking about this... So, anyone interested, please let me know ok. =)

Malam ni, selera makan ku kurang. Sian mak masak sedap. Kenapa? Of one reason. Which i don't know why and what. Gementar. Berdebar. Sedikit cuak.

Monday, November 29, 2004

Satu Hari

Hari ni bangun awal, hantar adik2 ke tuition di Kajang, Then, drive terus ke KLCC as planned with Mynn last night. Memang thought of going to ESU and kebetulan Mynn nak ke sana, so i decided to go along to submit her C.V at Tower 2. Then, we went ahead to ESU, Tower 1 and bercadang nak jumpa pengganti Cik Asbi which is Cik Hariza. Unluckily, she wasn't around. We'll come back next time maybe. At the same time, we bumped into our seniors, Wan and Fuad there as they are handling on their application for industrial training as well. Pity them, they didn't get any places yet. I suppose, this is serious issue because its compulsory for them as required by uni. What's the problem here? Maybe the fact that engineering students need to be located at upstream department - plant n all. So, takde kosong kot.. Wish u guys best of luck ya. We had a quick chat with a Petronas executive there, and he mentioned that the key issue in working with Petronas is, 'whom you know'. Well, what's about that? We'll let u know later k.

Had my lunch with them, Wan smsed Ili to join us since her house is just few blocks away. Then, i rushed back to Kajang to pick my bros up with Mynn, send them off home and went back to KLCC to catch a movie. I think its crazy to pegi balik kl-kajang twice in a day (jauhhh maaa + byk tol kena bayarr). Crazy. Frankly, Alexander was a dull epic for me, seriously. It was ok-la, not that interesting. I almost sleep during the show, the other main reason was i have to shut my eyes most of the times because of Angelina Jolie's favourite is there (takde binatang lain kerr). arrrghh. Ewwwwww.. takutt..

Btw, hari ini aku berjaya gak lupakan sekejap kerisauan semalam. But, it lasts for few moments only. And now, i feel like pengsan again (if not dying)... =(

//Sms dari Abg Amir telah ku perolehi. Nanti saya akan inform Mas dan Leen ya.

Sunday, November 28, 2004

im speechless....
im dead........

Friday, November 26, 2004

secebis kenangan

Sehari suntuk berada di luar hari ini. Tepat dari pukul 10 pagi ke 10 malam. From my house- KLCC - Shah Alam - Meru, Klang - my house. I felt quite bad going back home quite late (for me), well, i have a curfew ya know. Lucky me, mak was alright since she already know where have i been to. Got the chance to meet Newzealanders just now and have some ice breaking with them. Met another salwa!!! =) Sedey jugak sebab can't continue for the program until tomorrow since i have another thing to do tomorrow. Insya Allah kita jumpa lagi ya.

Sesekali masih terlintas di fikiran, akan perbualan semalam bersama seseorang yang baru dikenali. I've learnt lots of things from there. Menjumpai insan yang sangat tabah. tahniah, kawan. Ku berjaya mencedok pengalaman lagi. Yang mengajar ku erti kehidupan. Membuatkan ku sentiasa bersyukur di atas segala kurnian Allah. Tapi ingat lah Salwa, apa yang terjadi itu adalah terbaik dari Nya. So, enough complaining. Enough comparing kesusahan kita dengan orang lain. Be grateful. Yakin dengan ketentuan Nya ya Salwa.

occay, i better off now. Tired like giler. Need some rest maybe.

To all brissy, don't forget tomorrow's event. Saturday, 8 pm onwards. Please contact me for details.

Thursday, November 25, 2004

simple plan

Dah tiga hari aku di Malaysia. Apa perasaan? So far so good. Enjoying every moment. Will appreciate my stay here.. But, there's a lot more things i have to do. Ada beberapa tanggungjawab perlu diselesaikan. Jangan lupa ya, salwa. Cuba buat selagi mampu. Well, tomorrow, will teman mak ke Mont Kiara, KLCC buat medical check up. Then, will go straight ahead to KL Sentral and wait for Mas and Fazz there (hoping that others will tag along too). I am going to an AUSSIE-NZ gathering tomorrow. Tak sabarnya nak make new friends and meet old friends. Menguatkan lagi ukhuwah yang selama ni hanya hubungan internet saja. Ok, this is just the plan for tomorrow. Hope it will come true, Insya Allah.

Credit phone dah abis. Isk isk. Sorry to all who smsed me. Can't reply until tomorrow. =)

wishing Nurul Syahida a.k.a Rabbit, happy 20th birthday! have a wonderful one!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2004


Salaam dari Cheras, Selangor. Alhamdulillah, we arrived safely at KLIA on monday morning eventhough turbulence byk gak la during the journey. Well, the time has come. Meeting family is like heaven. They changed a lot especially my little bros. Sume dah tinggi2 and same height with me (dulu pendek gile). Rindu terlepas juga eventhough less than 10 months je tak balik Malaysia. I felt quite weird and awkward throughout the journey from klia to home. Maybe, suasana sekeliling lain kot (esp. the drivers). Heheee. K.L has changed too (a bit at least). I passed by Bintang Walk and rasa berubah gile. Tapak BBGS hanya tinggal kenangan, and suddenly i miss those moments where i used to lepak there after school hours dulu2. Raya was fun too. Suasana raya masih terasa even dah seminggu raya. I went visiting my uncles and aunts. Yay!! Got my duit raya already!!! Ermm.. Satu je tak tengok lagi, iklan raya Petronas - which i will always reward it as the best iklan every year.

btw, how's brisbane today? im missing it and everyone there already... =(

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Apa masalah?

blogger dot com was having a problem few hours ago. I've been trying to sign in few times repetitively, but other people's blog came out??? Abaikan coz its already ok.

I haven't sleep yet throughout the night and morning. I've been packing my stuffs (hell lot), and at last, i saw some improvement. Just waiting for my final laundry and then, i am finished (only for part one). Then, i'll carry those boxes and bags to the car, drive them to Cambridge Square (new place hey), unload them, and DONE.

Just can't wait to its end.

Friday, November 19, 2004

hip hip hurray!

Alhamdulillah. I've finished my last (4th) paper this evening. Thanks for all good luck wishes. I'll say i am merdeka right now. But it lasts for only 10 days until the result comes out. If it turns out to be good, then i'll merdeka some more. If not, i'll suffer. =( Well, just hoping and praying for the best. Anything happen to us is the best from Allah. No regrets. So now, no more notes, no more books, no more memorizing, no more last minute essay, and no more stay up-ping studying until early next year.

contoh murid rajin semasa exam yang rajin belaja - leen

So, what's up now? Stay up for packing things up? Watching O.C Season 2? Or having a movie marathon and cherishing the free network? I guess, i'll cherish everything here in Cromwell College. Gotta miss it! Really! =(

And thinking of home sweet home already... Malaysia, here i come!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Satu Hari Di Hari Raya

dalam perjalanan ke solat sunat raya

cuba carik mana satu imam?

sesi bergambar beramai-ramai

di rumah terbuka

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 14 Nov 2004 / 1 Syawal 1425 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Pagi raya, I called ayah, mak and adik2 to wish them selamat hari raya dan mohon ampun kat semua. Sayu jugak sebab minta maaf through telefon jer. This is my first time ever celebrating raya away from home and family. I admit, it's been quite hard for me to accept that, but well, it turned out great. It's not that i'm celebrating it alone, i have HEAPS of people here together with me. Everyone is in the same situation which in the midst of final exams but heck, raya is still raya. The environment was basically the same. we did have solat raya in the morning, bermaaf-maafan, sesi bergambar, ziarah - menziarahi and open houses! Terima kasih daun keladi tuan - tuan rumah.. Terubat gak la rindu akan masakan raya. =) Cuma satu je takde. Which is duit raya. Balik nanti, claim ok?

Selamat Hari Raya to all !~!

symptom symptom

  • pening pening
  • rasa loya
  • sakit perut
  • fikiran melayang
  • pandangan kabur
  • mata berat - ngantuk

exhausted. tired. hungry...... fazz, jom gi mkn nak?

Saturday, November 13, 2004

dear family, friends, relatives, friends of friends and all muslims,

loves and prayers: salwa_bee


it's exactly twelve hours from now!! i'll break my fast in the exam hall then...

Friday, November 12, 2004

a lovely day

Heylo everybody.. The car has been fixed (after a while gak terlantar), alhamdulillah no need to pay anything. what matters is flat battery, so the RACQ guy had asked us to keep the engine on for at least 30 mins. Then, it should be alright. Because of that, plus the reason that Fazz needs to see her dentist, so, Leen and me spontaneously decided to drive the car to Indooropilly. I've spent some time there, wandering around, bought a bubble tea for berbuka, and at last ended up in front of a children's merry-go-round in the mid of the mall, sitting, with a piece of lecture note. I reckon it was the best port for me to study. And yes, true. I was distracted by children crying, whining, laughing, perhaps i laughed to myself for being there.. i was thinking how happy the children are without having to think of any other commitments. like studying. but somehow i was amazed by that environment and amazingly i received more momentum and inspiration and thank God, i managed to gain something. I finished memorizing few important parts from the notes and Insya Allah will be useful for tomorrow's exam (my first one!). After a while, Leen and Fazz done with their businesses and we went back home happily. And the car turned out O.K. Yay!

Actually, i don't know what's the point of my story today. Hehee. I just think i need a break and start blogging. By the way, tomorrow's paper will be:

13th November 2004
5.45 p.m
U.Q Centre

Wish me luck people.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

what is this?

Arghhh, i'm so sick and tired right now. I haven't start any of my exams yet some of us have finished 3 out of 4 papers. And right now, I'M SO SICK OF CALCULUS! Really need a hand from an expert or a private tutor right now. Guess, will 'serang' my all-rounder tutor, Leen tonight. Boley ek Leen? (pening.. pening)

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

I look outside my window.. it's hailing!! St. Lucia dilanda hujan ais sekarang. first time ever in my life seeing real hailstone. sekali lagi ku memuji ciptaan Allah. hujan yang kebiasaanya air semata, hari ini berselang seli dengan hadirnya ketulan ais. Subhanallah.

Sunday, November 07, 2004


Showers, rain, storms

this is the weather forecast for tomorrow. so, for those yang ada exams esok, sediakan payung sebelum hujan ya.

sangat suka keadaan hari ni. cuaca yang aman damai. hujan. tenang. tapi, cukup senang buat orang terlena. =p
ending vs beginning

Isk isk.. Sadly, Ramadhan is approaching its end already. According to Hadith, Lailatul Qadr falls within the last ten days of Ramadhan (Sahih Muslim). So, the Night of Power might be tonight. Have I checked myself prepared for the night? Did you know that Lailatur Qadr is the most blessed night? let us searching for the blessings together. All the best in Lailatur Qadr.

Tomorrow is the official date for U.Q students to sit for their final exams. Some of us will have exams tomorrow unlike me. My first paper is on Saturday 13th which I reckon is too late for a start (even there are people going back already on this day). =( Well, good luck to everyone. All the best in exams.

A little reminder to myself: Be good in time management. Kejar akhirat, tapi jangan lupa dunia. ( or the other way around??) Tepuk dada.

Friday, November 05, 2004

gembira nyer sumerg... denise sgt happy.. rabbit pon happy... huda bint pon sgt happy... ramai nyer org happy.. aku suke tgk org happy!! =) bile agaknya masa aku ek? heheheheeee...

btw, ada sorg lagi kenalan akan membina masjid hujung tahun ni. total majlis perkahwinan perlu dihadiri meningkat ke 4. wahh, brissy dilanda musim kahwin.. saya doakan kalian bahagia dan semoga berjaya mencapai matlamat.. hehe. tahniah semua!

Thursday, November 04, 2004

  • dgn org yg tak faham
  • dgn org kerek
  • dgn org yg tak faham
  • dgn byk menda kena pikir
  • dgn org yg tak faham
  • dgn byk menda kena buat
  • dgn org yg tak faham
  • dgn exams menjelang
  • dgn org yg tak faham

terharu dan sayang!!!!!

  • dgn ayah dan mak for the parcel


  • dgn ayah, mak, adik2


Wednesday, November 03, 2004

saja, bosan

I've got this message few times until today i feel like letak this here.

The message below is from a CID Officer with Polis Diraja Malaysia. Kindly forward it to your colleagues or friends.


A police officer working with a the DARE program has issued this warning:

If you are driving after dark and see an on-coming car with no headlights

This is a common gang member "Initiation Game". The new gang member under initiation drives along with no headlights and first car to flash their headlights at him is now his "target". He is now required to turn around and chase that car, and shoot at or into the car in order to complete his initiation requirements.

Make sure you share this info with all the drivers in your family.

aaahhhh... scarrrry..

Monday, November 01, 2004

so long farewell..

We had an iftar together with Petronas student advisor, MSD Director and JPA Student Advisor yesterday. Many Malaysians were there especially the scholars. Terasa cam raya pulak when most of us dressed up nicely. Siap ada yang jadik pengantin tu. =p After tarawikh, all Petronas scholars gathered to have some briefing from Mr Aziz. Usual issues were voiced out: studies, results, interview, mixing up with people, versatility, leadership, internship, allowances as well as unusual: new accomodation. Sadly, this will be the last time he visited us since he's gonna end his role as our advisor end of this year. The time for new advisor has come. And also, this will be the last briefing we'll have together with Ansar and Kimah because of their graduations soon. =(

Ansar & Kimah

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Well, wishing all the best to three of you!!! Really appreciate those times i had with all of you. And thanks so much for everything!!

Caption of picture above: Hanif as President of PQSA handed a little gift to Mr Aziz on behalf of all scholars as a token of appreciation