Thursday, July 21, 2005

A Minute Of Blogging In The State Library
Hobart, Tasmania

Salaam all, its been a looong time since I last update. I've been in Melbourne for quite some time and now I'm in Hobart. Can't wait to go back to Brissy to settle down. Lama sgt berjalan... Hehe. Hobart is pretty good, a very dead and historical city. Later I will update more and more about my trip to Melbourne and Hobart. There's a lot of things actually happening sepanjang cuti musim dingin kali ni. A lot of new things, and new friends too. :) A lot of ups and downs, laughters and tears, pengalaman happy and sedih, semuanya berjaya dihadapi Alhamdulillah..

Ok, makcik library dah pandang pandang. Got to go now, to all brissies, see you guys soon. Tonight we'll be flying off back to Brisbane. Take care everyone. Wassalam.

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