Tuesday, August 31, 2004


sebut tentang merdeka, what will you think of? tunku abdul rahman? british? fireworks? konsert klcc? perbarisan depan bangunan sultan abdul samad? some people define merdeka as meaningless, nothing special. there are a few people said merdeka is just a tradition kinda of celebration eg.perbarisan, but there are also some people think that merdeka celebration is a must as a remembrance and reminder kepada orang-orang yang memperjuangkan kemerdekaan. on the other side, there are some people who thinks that merdeka celebration is just wasting of time, money etc. they said that buat apa nak ingat merdeka kalau sebenarnya diri kita ni tak merdeka pon? kita masih dijajah secara tidak disedari, kita masih dijajah oleh kaum barat dan penjajahan yang berlaku adalah penjajahan pemikiran. well, different people think differently. Selamat hari merdeka!

suddenly i just thought of merdeka just now and first thing came into my mind was memories back in tkc. let's rewind ourselves all way back to 1997-2001. we normally had inter-house competitions during merdeka night besides tayangan wayang and performances. and me, memang sangat bersemangat rumah. seriously. house spirit la orang kata. hehe. tapi, semangat batch lagi lebey kot. i was in Selindang Delima or mengikut warna is hijau. hijau mata memandang. heh. tetiba terasa nak test diri sendiri ingat lagi tak lagu rumah. kalau ingat lagi, memang serious kobar rumah giler laa.

selamatlah.. selindang delima, rumah hijau yang ku cintai...
sememangnya gagah perkasa.....
(alamak, lupa sey..) tetap teguh untuk berdiri (tak sure line ni)
selindang delima... maha perkasa... namamu indah murni...
selamatlah selindang delima rumah hijau yang kucintai..
kami akan tetap berbakti kepadamu selindang delima..

kantoi maa, lupa gak la satu line tu. alamak, sure kene sound ngan my ex- roommate a.k.a house captain kat tkc dulu. nwayz, actually.. i miss my friends. i miss my batch. i miss my green house. i miss tkc.

1999, zaman comot.. tapi best sbb jadi senior of the junior. carik aku mane.. hehe.

2004, zaman comel.. ala, takleh carik aku sbb aku takde masa reunion aritu.. isk isk..

//did u notice what the MAIN difference between those two pickies? i am so upset suddenly.. but, i still miss u girls.. may Allah guide us to His path.. amin.

Sunday, August 29, 2004

my heart

and soul

last week, i spent the whole weekend and weekdays with my ayah and mak since they came to visit me here. we've been staying in both gold coast and sunshine coast. its been really great having them around. they cheered me up, they gave out advices, we had deep and meaningful conversation between a first daughter and her parents. i suddenly realized that i am already 20 years old will reach 21 soon. and Insya Allah, by the end of next year, i will receive my first degree. i feel so old!! and now i realized how significant am i to the family as being the first child.. i also had usual mom-n-daughter talk with mak. bottom line, i was so happy and grateful of their presence. Thank Allah.

dear ayah n mak, i love both u lots!!!!

:: im homesick rite now!! :(

Friday, August 20, 2004

ayah, mak and i

assalamualaikum.. yeaa! my parents are here with me insya Allah in few hours. and we are off to gold coast right after that. so, im not going to blog for these few days. don't miss me yah. ;)

di sini, saya nak mintak maaf di atas salah silap saya sepanjang mengenali kalian.. selamat berjuang sahabatku.. semoga Allah berkatimu.. kenangan indah bersamamu.. takkan kubiar dia berlalu.. berjuanglah hingga ke akhirnya.. dan ingatlah semua ikrar kita!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2004


tetiba saya teringat satu petikan taken from utusan online mengatakan "kira-kira 80 peratus umat Islam di Malaysia masih tidak menyempurnakan solat lima waktu dalam sehari". adakah ini menjadi satu fenomena yang melanda most malaysian muslims sekarang? kenapa masyarakat take this for granted? lupakah kita bahawa solat itu tiang agama. ini baru rukun Islam yang kedua kita dah boleh main-main, camna kita nak tunaikan rukun-rukun seterusnya? kenapa kita tak sedar yang bila-bila masa saja nyawa kita mungkin akan diambil Izrail. kenapa kita tak sedar yang mungkin esok hari kita akan mati? or maybe in few hours? or maybe in few mins? or maybe in a second? Ya Allah, panjangkan lah umur ku supaya aku dapat terus beribadat kepadaMu.

Sabda Rasulullah SAW, maksudnya:"apakah kamu semua melihat apabila terdapat sungai di hadapan rumah seseorang, lalu dia mandi 5 kali sehari di dalamnya, adakah masih tinggal lagi sebarang kekotoran? Maka jawab sahabat: tidak tinggal sebarang kekotoran pun. Lalu sabda Rasulullah saw:Begitulah juga solat 5 waktu, mencuci darinya dosa-dosa dan kekotoran".Hadis riwayat Bukhari & Muslim.

bottom line here is im craving for imams!!! serious said.

Monday, August 16, 2004

hari ini.. semalam.. esok..

sabar la wahai sahabat ku. bukan senang manusia nak berubah apatah lagi di usia remaja camni. lagi diprovoke, lagi menjadi-jadi. lagi diajak, lagi menjauhkan diri. lagi ditegur, lagi dibuat. mungkin perkara ini ambil masa. kita pon kena la bersabar.. memang hamba tahu masa semakin singkat. hamba sedar akan perjuangan yang mesti diteruskan. hamba tahu sudah ramai orang terhenti di tengah jalan. hamba tahu ada yang sudah tersungkur. tapi, yang tersungkur mungkin boleh berlari semula sekiranya Dia mengizinkannya. yang terhenti mungkin mampu bangun semula sekiranya kuat semangatnya. yang belum pernah bergerak mungkin mampu bergerak walaupun sikit sekiranya betul cara nya. wahai sahabat, hamba sedar hamba insan yang lemah. oleh itu, bagi la hamba peluang lagi untuk terus berusaha walaupun hamba sedar hamba bergerak sangat perlahan. dan bagi lah manusia masa untuk bermula dan berterusan. sahabat ku, bersabar la, jangan gopoh. ambil masa dan fikirkan langkah terbaik untuk menang. kaji sejarah dan latar belakang, fahamkan, dan susun strategi. jangan cepat merungut, jangan mudah putus asa. teruskan usaha, hamba yakin bahawa sahabat ku ini pasti akan berjaya. Insya Allah..

doa dari sahabat mu.. amin..

Sunday, August 15, 2004

alamak.. i forgot how to write a formal letter. help!!!!

Thursday, August 12, 2004

happy holiday, happy birthday

its a public holiday semalam for those who are in Queensland, and fazz n me telah berjaya melarikan mynn from preparation of her suprised birthday party been prepared by girls at Cromwell College. we've been to EKKA (exhibitions, showbags, rides) for our second time. first time was during foundation year in 2002. its more likely the same with a slight difference but this time i managed to see 'bafabifi'. eeewwwww.... and caught a ride yg quite giler sampai tinggalkan kesan lebam kat kaki ku sampai sekarang. adoooii.. me personally, had an achievement berjaya meninggalkan EKKA without having any show bags in hand.. =)

mynn's birthday party was successfully done! mas, rabbit and leen cooked most of the food and everything was nice.. what suprised me was most of them who have been invited showed themselves up last night. the fact that its restricted to girls only, we had conquered the common room. girls rock!!!! muahaha. two thumbs up to everyone especially Mastura as the organizer. hehe.

happy 20th birthday mynn dear, may all wishes come true. Allah bless you!

occay, uni bermula balik esok.. selamat, selamat..

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

tentang kawan

what type of friend are you?

what kind of friend are you searching for?

  1. a friend to hang out with
  2. a friend to chill out and gossiping with
  3. a friend who knows all your favourites
  4. a friend who can be your 'bestfriend' (define bestfriend for me please!)
  5. a friend who confides in you but don't ever care when you are down
  6. a friend who calls you every now and then to catch up
  7. a friend who sits behind you, supports you, shares both laughter and tears
  8. a friend whom you seldom care, unlikely to bump into, rarely talk to, but remembers you in her prayers for Allah's blessings

    friends for life.. what does that means?

Monday, August 09, 2004


last week, i've been to schonell, UQ and watched My Neighbour Totoro, one of the collections of studio ghibli (like disney of the east). as my friends view me as a girl who is less likely to watch cartoons or any animation, they wondered was i sure to go and watch anime. at first 15 mins of the show, suddenly i realized, "macam dah pernah tengok jer citer ni.. tapi kat mane ek?" owhh yeahh, its actually been shown during my japanese class back in tkc few years ago. my sensei said, its a must-see show but sadly.. i only managed to stay awake for the first 15 mins. hik hik. betapa tak interested nye aku before ni kat citer2 camni a.k.a animation. but, this time, i successfully watched it till the end!! yeahh! this anime is kinda unique, and totally superb cute!! comel sangat.. and it affected me emotionally until i feel like missing home. =( and now, im stimulating myself to watch cartoons coz some of those have values instead watching some other programmes which offer nothing except hiburan semata-mata.

::btw, Anastasia will still be my all-time favourite of ALL i've watched.. :)

totoro totoro totoro lalalala.. totoro totoro...

Sunday, August 08, 2004

tabah kah aku??

hey, i can't wait to see my parents!!!! i talked to everyone at home just now except my lil bro, Hassan coz he's at school. everyone seems alright i guess. and i managed to reach and had a looongg sister-to-sister, deep, meaningful, emotionally involved conversation with my lil sister, Shi in londang too.. but..

why am i so weak?
why did a woman easily cry her tears out?

i am so worried...
i am so down...
i am so sad...

"Allah tidak membebani seseorang melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya. Ia mendapat pahala (dari kebajikan) yang diusahakannya dan ia mendapat siksa (dari kejahatan) yang dikerjakannya. Ya Tuhan kami, janganlah Engkau hukum kami jika kami lupa atau kami tersalah. Ya Tuhan kami, janganlah Engkau bebankan kepada kami beban yang berat sebagaimana Engkau bebankan kepada orang-orang yang sebelum kami. Ya Tuhan kami, janganlah Engkau pikulkan kepada kami apa yang kami tidak sanggup kami memikulnya. Beri maaflah kami, ampunilah kami, dan rahmatilah kami. Engkaulah Penolong kami maka tolonglah kami terhadap kaum yang kafir." Al-Baqarah: 284-286


Thursday, August 05, 2004

dear mak and ayah,

today was surely one of the happiest day in your life back in 1981. happy anniversary!! salwa will always doakan kebahagiaan kita sekeluarga dunia dan akhirat.. amin...

love both of u lots!!!!

loves and prayers,

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

flash back...

once upon a time, in a classroom named 5T, theres a couple of 17-year-old girls were chatting about marriage ataupun 'kawin' while waiting for add maths teacher Mr Lau to come in. a typical all-girls-school student wouldn't really bother about this issue, yet at that age, masing-masing pon nakal dan comot jer lagi.. obviously we won't be discussing about who wants to get married at that time, but its the matter of guessing siapa agaknya will be the lucky first diijabkabulkan among everyone in our batch. sebagai antara orang yang berkobar-kobar that time, i volunteered myself to incharge a gathering or reunion besar-besaran during the first wedding in our batch (semangat batch gilerr time ni). so, it required me to be responsible to gather as many people as possible for that particular day tak kisah la sape punya pon. but, what i was thinking that time is that its going to be a longgg way to go. we are still young anyway.. so, no worries..

last two days...

i received a lovely classy invitation card from natte', my tkcian friend. ahah, its a wedding card!! and all memories back time pop up in my mind. the time has come! just realized that the number 1 in front of our age has turned into number 2. we are not that budak comot and selebet cam dulu2 dah. we can already make decisions in life. we can already differentiate between black n white, Insya Allah. by the way, the wedding has already been planned since begining of the year and i am certainly sure that i couldn't attend it as well as running the gath because its gonna happen on august (not on hol for people down under). to natte', thanks for the thought. sure tak sabar kan nak jadik bakal pengantin. hehe. i'll write a special post for u again during your wedding day next week.

//teringat lak citer gila-gila pengantin remaja which i watched hari tu berkisarkan cite budak skolah menengah nak kawin lari.. ish ish..

//sedey sebenarnya takleh nak balik jumpa kawan-kawan. yer la, bkn senang nak jumpa ramai-ramai at one time. most of them nak fly uk n ireland dah tahun ni. bile plak nak buat reunion bebetul nak kumpul sumerg ni? (still semangat batch gelll nii). ermm.. kalau panjang umur, masa aku kawin lah.. hahahah. gelak gelak..

Monday, August 02, 2004


genap setahun aku ber blogging today.. seribu kenangan tersimpan.. moga segala yg baik dijadikan panduan dan yg tak baik dielakkan...

Sunday, August 01, 2004

dedicated to a very special friend of mine: really appreciate your thought. im hoping that kesalahan yg lama takkan berulang lagi.. sorry again for segala kekasaran.. this goes especially for you,

Menitis airmataku keharuan
Kepada sebuah pertemuan
Kehadiranmu mendamaikan
Hati yang dahulu keresahan

Syukur sungguh di hati ini
Dikurniakan teman sejati
Menunjuk jalan dekati-Nya
Tika diri dalam kebuntuan

Betapa aku menghargai
Kejujuran yang kau beri
Mengajarku mengenal erti
Cinta hakiki yang abadi

( adapted from - Sebuah Pertemuan : UNIC )

btw, to all my dear friends.. thanks for all smses and wishes. happy friendship day too. miss ya all!!

feeling guilty..

why do we normally feel guilty? its because you did mistakes or you hurt people's feelings. in Quran, its been interpreted that semua perasaan such as happy, risau, guilty etc are originated from perasaan takut atau sedih. last two nites, a sister told me that why should i feel guilty if im on the right path? and i admit it. another sahabat of mine said, this can be a test to examine how sincere is one's acquaintanceship. if someone loves me because of Allah, so he/she will trust everything i did is because of Allah and for the sake of ummah's benefits.

i was sorry to myself that nite..
i felt guilty...